Monday, March 7, 2016
Monday blues? Know anything about them? Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. Or Saturday. God intended for us to be renewed one day a week. But if you are like me, that one day doesn't come. The Holy Sabbath has evolved over the last few generations until it has become "the weekend".
Hence we have the Monday blues. My day was spent resting today. I was so weary from my "weekend". It was a very encouraging weekend spiritually but very wearing physically. We along with two other couples and a number of the young people from our church attended the Urban Youth Workers Retreat in Orrstown, PA. It was held at the Roxbury Holiness Camp.
Lee Mummau was the main speaker for the 4 sessions. One Friday evening, two on Saturday and one Sunday morning. He spoke into our relationships. His main thrust was that if we are out of touch with our message, which is reconciliation, how can we effectively bring that message to the world? What does out of touch mean?
If I cannot have good relationships with those I live with and work with in my church, then I don't know what reconciliation means in a practical way. And I have nothing to offer anyone else.
So we received a lot of practical instruction about relationships.
Sunday morning Lee gave us a practical way to minister in our communities.
He said we should ask God to show us 15 houses where we can minister. Then set an evening aside and go knock on these doors. Introduce ourselves and ask if there is anything they would like us to pray about for them. Consistently return to these houses and continually pray for them. They will learn to know and trust you and you will learn to know them and their needs. Such a simple, practical way to reach out.
We heard from Glen Weaver and his wife Joyce about Integrity in Relationships. Glen Hoover spoke to us about issues that face today's children. And Phil Beiler gave us a talk about cross-cultural relationships.
Such an enriching time! It was also wonderful to meet many others who are in the same type of work we are -ministering to children in the city.
The theme for next year was announced- Teaching With Impact. I can hardly wait!
I was excited to meet some folks from Baltimore, MD. I had just read about the mission there this past week.
Back home, Thomas and Austin hit the road early this morning and went to Gap Mills to fix water pipes in his Mom's house. Actually, she just sold it but the agreement was that the water would be inspected and any repairs made that were necessary. Unfortunately a number of pipes had burst within the house.
Thomas was able to work with the plumber to correct all that today and came home this evening around 8 pm. I am thankful he is safely back and that is done and off his mind!
A couple things from this weekend-
Impression without expression leaves depression.
What reason do the children have to listen to me?
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