
Friday, September 14, 2018

Another Event You Don't Want to Miss

Flowers growing from a crack in the patio at my sis-in law's house
The Not Back to School Summit began this week at Home Education Council of America. There have been numerous talks this week that have been helpful to me. We were out of state until Wednesday evening and dealing with jet lag Thursday so I missed a number of presentations.

But there is another full week of wonderful speakers and topics to come. As a basic free member of HECOA one has access to all live sessions and a complimentary 24 hr replay. Sign up now to catch today's and possibly yesterday's presentations. 

Jillian Newkirk started off with helpful tips for ending the power struggles between adults and children.

Joseph Hoffman taught about music and pointed us to his academy where he offers hundreds of free lessons. 

Greg Denning tells how to simply and successfully teach teens. Greg comes from a broken home but found the help he needed to succeed in life. He now mentors teens while being a father of seven and traveling the world with his family. (He's the one who inspired our sons to stay away from sugar a couple years ago. He himself has been sugar-free since age 16.)

Dr Angela talked about how to understand your children who have gifts that can seem like hindrances, e.g. dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, ADHD and etc. She recommended books by Ron Davis- The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. It was eye-opening and empowering to hear the stories she told regarding children and adults she has helped to appreciate and work with their gifts.

Andrea Hall taught us how to make math real through everyday living. Learn decimals in the grocery store and fractions while baking in the kitchen. Do square foot gardening to learn counting, measuring, and much more. Look at shapes in nature for geometry. There are so many ways to make math tangible for your children.

Come join the fun, be inspired and enriched. Maybe you will even be stretched and learn something new! 

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