
Sunday, May 15, 2016


The rain came around noon or soon after. Cool weather came along behind. The plants went back into the greenhouse until warmer weather shows up.

Thomas and Melvin cleaned the truck for Grandpas to take to Gap Mills next week. They also made sure it was road worthy. 

Stephen left early to help with the food stand at the auction. Austin went around noon. They both returned by early afternoon, reporting a good sale.

Matthew did some more mowing. The orchard and the roadside. The boys also kept the dishes washed, cleaned their room, did some laundry, and misc. 

Thomas got more desk work done. His elephant that needs to get bite at a time. My elephant is house cleaning and decluttering. 

My dear, dear sister and niece came to clean up some of my dirt this afternoon. My, it takes such a little bit of time for two capable ladies to do what it would take hours for the boys to get done. (Yes, there are times I wish for daughters. Forgive me, Lord.)

The sickness slowly let me go and strength is just as slowly returning. My stomach seemed to appreciate chicken, potatoes and carrots boiled together. And it didn't complain too much about yogurt and applesauce either. 

Having recently read a lot about slavery I had to wonder if the Negros would have had to work if they were in my shape? And maybe get whipped because they couldn't keep up performance? And I'm thankful I can rest "peacefully" while my family cares for me and other things. (Sometimes I don't allow it to be peaceful because I see everything that needs to be done.)

In searching through "Grandma's freezer clean-out" I found potato casserole and peas for lunch. Hominy was fried in bacon grease with onions, garlic and hot dogs (good ones, by the way) and topped with cheese for supper. The men enjoyed it with fried eggs and an avocado, tomato, cucumber, onion salad Grandma Schwartz brought over.

Boy funny of the day: Something was going on between some of the boys. "That really blew you out of the water", one told Melvin. He calmly replied, "Nah, it just tapped me to the surface."

Here's a photo of my gifts from the Mother's Day celebration at church. A rose bouquet at my place setting, a pint-sized candle, and a half-cup-sized candle. The beautiful garden gloves were forgotten in my photographing. 

Are your children like mine- they like candles more than you do? 

What scent would you choose? 

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