My parents, sister Verina, uncle Lloyd & I went to Alabama for my uncle Elvin Yoder's funeral. It was good to see family again. Because of the lack of ladies in our house, I almost never leave. It is rather disastrous when I do go. Lots of things piled up for when I come back.
We were impressed with the handmade furniture where we stayed overnight with the Lowell Brennemen family. They have talented sons.
Must have been a space museum here. ???
Melvin and I cleaned the pantry. He had an elevated position.
Much time was spent preparing for the spring school concert. I shot a few pictures during the final awesome song, God is an Awesome God. The lights were dim and they had a slideshow going behind them of colorful and artistic nebulae.

L-R Matthew, Austin, Stephen, Christopher, Melvin (circled)
So many flowers blooming now. I was intrigued with this one RED peony.This sight thrills my heart. Our dyslexic son buried in a book!
A normal sight for the one below.
How has your May been?
What is planned for the rest of the month?