A few cows were added to the fields this week. Within a few days one of them died. Not a happy proposition! We aren't the owners of the cattle but we do feel for their losses.
Stephen and Sylvia completed their assignment to help Grandpas this past week. They returned safely last night. My brother-in-law brought a load of things up and we hope to get the rest this week.
Matthew went to church today again after being at home for 2 weeks. We went to Thomas' mom's apartment for lunch. Then leaving the younger ones there we went to sing at the local old folks' home. We didn't think it well to drag our coughing sons in there.
I recently led the devotional for our women's sewing day. We are studying the book Lies Women Believe. The lies I studied were related to our sin. I can sin and get away with it. My sin isn't really that bad. God can't forgive what I have done. I am not fully responsible for my actions and reactions. I cannot walk in consistent victory over sin. Of course, these are all lies. And the totally opposite is true. If you haven't read this book I would recommend that you do.

The preacher brought out a lot of similar thoughts from the mid portion of James chapter 1 today. No one is responsible for my sin but me, myself and I. Just because I've been taught to do right doesn't mean that I don't commit spiritual sins- the kind that no one but God can see. Or so I may think.
Austin cleaned one half of the breezeway yesterday. I should have taken before and after photos. But I did get one of him at work. Unfortunately some of the clutter just got relocated until I have time to sort through it and dispose of or file it as necessary. It is so good to have that much done though! Grandpa's small upright freezer gets placed next to the chest freezer.
This is a cabinet Thomas made almost 20 years ago. It was made to set against the wall. Therefore the back was unfinished. But to use it for an island in the kitchen we decided to paint the back. The two youngest did the painting.
It's already has things piled on it in the kitchen.
And this is an old sewing machine that I've carried hither and thither with me over the years not wanting to get rid of it until I knew if it was worth something. I finally contacted an antique dealer this week and he assured me it was really worth nothing. Too bad! Well, now I know. It never has worked since I had it. It was my mother's. Any of the Troyer family want it?
What kind of randomness is happening in your life?
Are you physically warm? Or cold?
How about spiritually?
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