One of my favorite things about Simple Homeschool is the periodic email Jamie sends out with links to free Kindle Books. You can never have too many books (in my humble opinion) and you won't even need another bookshelf if you have Kindle.
But that's not all. She collects lots of links to inform you of ways to keep education simple and fun. You can explore these at your leisure.
"Never let your schooling interrupt your education" is her motto. We have all experienced schooling that interrupted our education if we'll admit it. If you are learning something that someone else has deemed important to your education, it may or may not be what you really need.
The boys and I spend time daily, reading the Bible, another high quality book and anything else I consider important. But if I see my sons deeply involved in something necessary for their education, my prescription for "schooling" them can wait.
Today was an excellent example of that. When it seemed like it was time to read together...
...Matthew was searching for what he needs to enter a writing contest.
...Melvin and Christopher were reading books.
...and I was making a dress.
None of us would have benefited from being interrupted at that point. We waited until later to read together.
Back to my review....Jamie asks, "Do you need more peace, less pressure in your homeschool?" And then she offers you a free e-book addressing the subject; Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom. What homeschool mom doesn't need some good secrets for success?
Check out her website here and sign up to receive her emails. Especially if you like FREE Kindle books.
Today I am thankful for...
...a sewing machine.
...nutritional supplements.
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